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尽管在理解深度NLP模型中学到的表示形式以及他们所捕获的知识方面已经做了很多工作,但对单个神经元的关注很少。我们提出了一种称为语言相关性分析的技术,可在任何外部特性中提取模型中的显着神经元 - 目的是了解如何保留这种知识在神经元中。我们进行了细粒度的分析以回答以下问题:(i)我们可以识别网络中捕获特定语言特性的神经元子集吗? (ii)整个网络中的局部或分布式神经元如何? iii)信息保留了多么冗余? iv)针对下游NLP任务的微调预训练模型如何影响学习的语言知识? iv)架构在学习不同的语言特性方面有何不同?我们的数据驱动的定量分析阐明了有趣的发现:(i)我们发现了可以预测不同语言任务的神经元的小亚集,ii)捕获基本的词汇信息(例如后缀),而这些神经元位于较低的大多数层中,iii,iii),而这些神经元,而那些神经元,而那些神经元则可以预测。学习复杂的概念(例如句法角色)主要是在中间和更高层中,iii),在转移学习过程中,显着的语言神经元从较高到较低的层移至较低的层,因为网络保留了较高的层以特定于任务信息,iv)我们发现很有趣在培训预训练模型之间的差异,关于如何保留语言信息,V)我们发现概念在多语言变压器模型中跨不同语言表现出相似的神经元分布。我们的代码作为Neurox工具包的一部分公开可用。
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Natiq是阿拉伯语的端到端文本到语音系统。我们的语音合成器使用Encoder-Decoder架构引起了人们的注意。我们同时使用了基于TACOTRON的模型(Tacotron-1和Tacotron-2)和更快的变压器模型来从字符中生成MEL光谱图。我们将tacotron1与Wavernn Vocoder,Tacotron2与WaveLow Vocoder和ESPNET变压器与平行波甘gan vocoder串联,以从频谱图合成波形。我们使用了两个声音的内部语音数据:1)中立的男性“ hamza” - 叙述一般内容和新闻,以及2)表现力的女性“ Amina” - 叙述孩子的故事书来训练我们的模型。我们的最佳系统的平均平均意见评分(MOS)分别为Amina和Hamza的平均意见分别为4.21和4.40。使用单词和字符错误率(WER和CER)对系统的客观评估以及实时因子测量的响应时间有利于端到端体系结构ESPNET。 NATIQ演示可在线上https://tts.qcri.org提供
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Pretrained language models (PLMs) often fail to fairly represent target users from certain world regions because of the under-representation of those regions in training datasets. With recent PLMs trained on enormous data sources, quantifying their potential biases is difficult, due to their black-box nature and the sheer scale of the data sources. In this work, we devise an approach to study the geographic bias (and knowledge) present in PLMs, proposing a Geographic-Representation Probing Framework adopting a self-conditioning method coupled with entity-country mappings. Our findings suggest PLMs' representations map surprisingly well to the physical world in terms of country-to-country associations, but this knowledge is unequally shared across languages. Last, we explain how large PLMs despite exhibiting notions of geographical proximity, over-amplify geopolitical favouritism at inference time.
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When people think of everyday things like an "egg," they typically have a mental image associated with it. This commonsense knowledge helps us understand how these everyday things work and how to interact with them. For example, when someone tries to make a fried egg, they know that it has a shell and that it can be cracked open to reveal the egg white and yolk inside. However, if a system does not have a coherent picture of such everyday things, thinking that the egg yolk surrounds the shell, then it might have to resort to ridiculous approaches such as trying to scrape the egg yolk off the shell into the pan. Do language models have a coherent picture of such everyday things? To investigate this, we propose a benchmark dataset consisting of 100 everyday things, their parts, and the relationships between these parts. We observe that state-of-the-art pre-trained language models (LMs) like GPT-3 and Macaw have fragments of knowledge about these entities, but they fail to produce consistent parts mental models. We propose a simple extension to these LMs where we apply a constraint satisfaction layer on top of raw predictions from LMs to produce more consistent and accurate parts mental models of everyday things.
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Reliable forecasting of traffic flow requires efficient modeling of traffic data. Different correlations and influences arise in a dynamic traffic network, making modeling a complicated task. Existing literature has proposed many different methods to capture the complex underlying spatial-temporal relations of traffic networks. However, methods still struggle to capture different local and global dependencies of long-range nature. Also, as more and more sophisticated methods are being proposed, models are increasingly becoming memory-heavy and, thus, unsuitable for low-powered devices. In this paper, we focus on solving these problems by proposing a novel deep learning framework - STLGRU. Specifically, our proposed STLGRU can effectively capture both local and global spatial-temporal relations of a traffic network using memory-augmented attention and gating mechanism. Instead of employing separate temporal and spatial components, we show that our memory module and gated unit can learn the spatial-temporal dependencies successfully, allowing for reduced memory usage with fewer parameters. We extensively experiment on several real-world traffic prediction datasets to show that our model performs better than existing methods while the memory footprint remains lower. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/Kishor-Bhaumik/STLGRU}.
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Most camera lens systems are designed in isolation, separately from downstream computer vision methods. Recently, joint optimization approaches that design lenses alongside other components of the image acquisition and processing pipeline -- notably, downstream neural networks -- have achieved improved imaging quality or better performance on vision tasks. However, these existing methods optimize only a subset of lens parameters and cannot optimize glass materials given their categorical nature. In this work, we develop a differentiable spherical lens simulation model that accurately captures geometrical aberrations. We propose an optimization strategy to address the challenges of lens design -- notorious for non-convex loss function landscapes and many manufacturing constraints -- that are exacerbated in joint optimization tasks. Specifically, we introduce quantized continuous glass variables to facilitate the optimization and selection of glass materials in an end-to-end design context, and couple this with carefully designed constraints to support manufacturability. In automotive object detection, we show improved detection performance over existing designs even when simplifying designs to two- or three-element lenses, despite significantly degrading the image quality. Code and optical designs will be made publicly available.
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